stony გამოთქმა: /ˈstəʊni/ განმარტებულია stony სიტყვის თარგმნა ფლექსია სინონიმები ანტონიმები ზედსართავი Universal 1covered with or full of small pieces of rock:rough stony paths made of or resembling stone:stony steps Astronomy (of a meteorite) consisting mostly of rock, as opposed to metal. 2not having or showing feeling or sympathy:Lucenzo’s hard, stony eyes the government maintained a stony silence about the affair fall on stony ground (of words or a suggestion) be ignored or badly received: their constructive advice fell on stony ground[with biblical reference to the parable of the sower (Matt. 13:5)] stonily adverb stoniness noun სინონიმები bouldered bouldery bumpy cussed flint flinty granitelike granitic jolting jolty jumpy obdurate obstinate rocklike rocky rough stony unrepentant unsmooth ანტონიმები smooth soft soft-boiled softhearted