ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈtravəs, trəˈvəːs/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an act of traversing something: high-level walks in the Dolomites often involve steep, exposed climbs, traverses, and descents
  • a rock face where traversing is necessary:a narrow traverse made lethal by snow and ice
  • a movement following a diagonal course made by a skier descending a slope: I make long gentle traverses down the steepest sections
  • a zigzag course taken by a ship because winds or currents prevent it from sailing directly towards its destination.
  • 2a part of a structure that extends or is fixed across something: there were three jewels in the traverse of the cross and four in the body
  • a gallery extending from side to side of a church or other building.
  • 3a mechanism enabling a large gun to be turned to face a different direction: they had been practising firing at multiple targets, using the power traverse
  • [mass noun] the sideways movement of a part in a machine.
  • 4a single line of survey, usually plotted from compass bearings and measured distances between successive points.
  • an area of land surveyed with a traverse.
  • 5 Military a pair of right-angled bends incorporated in a trench to avoid enfilading fire: he crept up and threw a grenade over the traverse


  • 1travel across or through:he traversed the forest
  • extend across or through:a moving catwalk that traversed a vast cavernous space
  • [no object, with adverbial of direction] cross a rock face by means of a series of sideways movements from one practicable line of ascent or descent to another: I often use this route, eventually traversing around the headwall
  • ski diagonally across (a slope), losing only a little height: ski patrol workers traverse the slope
  • consider the whole extent of (a subject): he would traverse a number of subjects and disciplines
  • 2 [with object and adverbial of direction] move back and forth or sideways:a probe is traversed along the tunnel
  • turn (a large gun or other device on a pivot) to face a different direction.
  • 3 Law deny (an allegation) in pleading: the plaintiff must assert certain facts which, if traversed, he would be put to prove
  • archaic oppose or thwart (a plan).




