ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈtrɛb(ə)l/

  • three times as much or as many:the tip was at least treble what she would normally have given


  • a number or amount which is three times as large as a contrasting or usual number or amount:by paying treble, he had a double room to himself


  • consisting of three parts; threefold:the fish were caught with large treble hooks
  • multiplied or occurring three times:she turned back to make a double and treble check
  • (of a number) occurring three times in succession:call Kate on 0500 403 treble zero

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1British three sporting victories or championships in the same season, event, etc.:the victory completed a treble for the horse’s trainer
  • 2 Darts a hit on the narrow ring enclosed by the two middle circles of a dartboard, scoring treble.
  • 3British a type of bet in which three selections are made, with any winnings from the first being transferred to the second and then (if successful) to the third.
  • 4a threefold quantity or thing, in particular:
  • (in showjumping) a fence consisting of three elements: the mare failed to tuck her hind feet up quite high enough at the last bar of the treble
  • a crochet stitch made with three loops of wool on the hook at a time.
  • a drink of spirits of three times the standard measure.


  • make or become three times as large or numerous: [with object]:rents were doubled and probably trebled [no object]:his salary has trebled in a couple of years

