ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /trʌɪ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an effort to accomplish something; an attempt:he got his membership card on his third try
  • an act of trying something new or different to see if it is suitable, effective, or pleasant:she agreed that they should give the idea a try
  • 2 Rugby an act of touching the ball down behind the opposing goal line, scoring points and entitling the scoring side to a kick at goal.
  • American Football an attempt to score an extra point after a touchdown.


  • 1 [no object] make an attempt or effort to do something: [with infinitive]:he tried to regain his breath I started to try and untangle the mystery I decided to try writing fiction [with object]:three times he tried the manoeuvre and three times he failed
  • [with object] (also try something out) use, test, or do (something new or different) in order to see if it is suitable, effective, or pleasant:everyone wanted to know if I’d tried jellied eel these methods are tried and tested
  • (try for) attempt to achieve or attain:they decided to try for another baby
  • (try out for) North American compete or audition for (a post or place on a team):she tried out for the team
  • [with object] attempt to contact:I’ve tried the apartment, but the number is engaged
  • [with object] push or pull (a door or window) to determine whether it is locked:I tried the doors, but they were locked
  • [with object] make severe demands on (a person or a quality, typically patience):Mary tried everyone’s patience to the limit
  • 2 [with object] subject (someone) to trial:he was arrested and tried for the murder
  • investigate and decide (a case or issue) in a formal trial:the case is to be tried by a jury in the Crown Court
  • 3 [with object] smooth (roughly planed wood) with a plane to give an accurately flat surface.
  • 4 [with object] extract (oil or fat) by heating:some of the fat may be tried out and used

I (or he etc.) will try anything once

used to indicate willingness to do or experience something new: Rosie was willing to try anything once

try conclusions with

try something (on) for size

assess whether something is suitable:he was trying the role for size

try for white

South African (under the apartheid system) attempt to pass oneself off as a white person by assimilating oneself into a white community: he tried for white but was rejected and took on an African identity

try one's hand at

attempt to do (something) for the first time, typically in order to find out if one is good at it:a chance to try your hand at the ancient art of drystone walling

try it on

British informal
attempt to deceive or seduce someone:he was trying it on with my wife
deliberately test someone’s patience to see how much one can get away with.

try one's luck

see luck.

try me

used to suggest that one may be willing to do something unexpected or unlikely:‘You won’t use a gun up here.’ ‘Try me.’

try something on

put on an item of clothing to see if it fits or suits one.
