unbound გამოთქმა: /ʌnˈbaʊnd/ განმარტებულია unbound სიტყვის თარგმნა ფლექსია სინონიმები ანტონიმები ზედსართავი Universal not bound or tied up:her hair was unbound figurativethey were unbound by convention (of printed sheets) not bound together: other copies were sold in the form of unbound printed sheets (of a bound book) not provided with a proper or permanent cover: two thick, unbound volumes Chemistry & Physics not held by a chemical bond, gravity, or other physical force:unbound electrons სინონიმები detach unbind unbound ანტონიმები bound brassbound cased chained enchained fettered furled half-bound paperback paperbacked pinioned rolled shackled tethered tied trussed well-bound wired