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გამოთქმა: /weɪt/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] a body’s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing:he was at least fifteen stone in weight
  • Physics the force exerted on the mass of a body by a gravitational field.
  • the quality of being heavy:as he came upstairs the boards creaked under his weight
  • [count noun] a unit or system of units used for expressing how much an object or quantity of matter weighs:weights and measures
  • 2a piece of metal known to weigh a definite amount and used on scales to determine how heavy an object or quantity of a substance is: the herbalist spooned the powder on to scales with tiny brass weights
  • a heavy object, especially one being lifted or carried: be careful when lifting a heavy weight
  • a heavy object used to give an impulse or act as a counterpoise in a mechanism.
  • a heavy object thrown by a shot-putter.
  • (weights) blocks or discs of metal or other heavy material used in weightlifting or weight training.
  • [mass noun] the amount that a jockey is expected or required to weigh, or the amount that a horse can easily carry.
  • 3 [mass noun] the ability of someone or something to influence decisions or actions:a recommendation by the committee will carry great weight
  • the importance attributed to something:individuals differ in the weight they attach to various aspects of a job
  • Statistics a factor associated with one of a set of numerical quantities, used to represent its importance relative to the other members of the set.
  • 4the surface density of cloth, used as a measure of its quality.


  • 1hold (something) down by placing a heavy object on top of it:a mug half filled with coffee weighted down a stack of papers
  • attach a heavy object to (something), especially so as to make it stay in place:the jugs were covered with muslin veils weighted with coloured beads
  • 2attribute importance or value to:speaking, reading, and writing should be weighted equally in the assessment
  • (be weighted) be planned or arranged so as to put a specified person, group, or factor in a position of advantage or disadvantage:the balance of power is weighted in favour of the government
  • Statistics multiply the components of (an average) by factors to take account of their importance.
  • 3assign a handicap weight to (a horse).
  • 4treat (a fabric) with a mineral to make it seem thicker and heavier.

put on (or lose) weight

become fatter (or thinner): you shouldn’t be eating that burger—you’ve put on weight lately she had lost weight and her features seemed almost angular

throw one's weight about (or around)

informal be unpleasantly self-assertive: he didn’t swagger or throw his weight around

throw one's weight behind

informal use one’s influence to help support: the council is to throw its weight behind a campaign to save one of the borough’s best-loved beauty spots

the weight of the world

used in reference to a very heavy burden of worry or responsibility:he continues to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders

be a weight off one's mind

come as a great relief after one has been worried: there’s nothing seriously wrong with you—is that a weight off your mind?

be worth one's weight in gold

be extremely useful or helpful: someone who can understand and collate medical notes is worth their weight in gold
