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გამოთქმა: /wʊlf/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a wild carnivorous mammal which is the largest member of the dog family, living and hunting in packs. It is native to both Eurasia and North America, but is much persecuted and has been widely exterminated.
    • Canis lupus, family Canidae; it is the chief ancestor of the domestic dog
  • used in names of mammals similar or related to the wolf, e.g. maned wolf, Tasmanian wolf.
  • Canis lupus, family Canidae; it is the chief ancestor of the domestic dog
  • 2used figuratively to refer to a rapacious, ferocious, or voracious person or thing: he calls the media ravening wolves
  • informal a man who habitually seduces women: he’s the archetypal wolf in Armani threads
  • North American informal a homosexual who habitually seduces men or adopts an active role with a partner.
  • 3a harsh or out-of-tune effect produced when playing particular notes or intervals on a musical instrument, caused either by the instrument’s construction or by divergence from equal temperament.


  • devour (food) greedily:he wolfed down his breakfast

cry wolf

call for help when it is not needed, with the effect that one is not believed when one really does need help: he accused her of crying wolf
[with allusion to the fable of the shepherd boy who deluded people with false cries of ‘Wolf!’]

hold (or have) a wolf by the ears

be in a precarious position: we may end up holding the wolf by the ears

keep the wolf from the door

have enough money to avert hunger or starvation (used hyperbolically):I work part-time to pay the mortgage and keep the wolf from the door

throw someone to the wolves

leave someone to be roughly treated or criticized without trying to help or defend them: power brokers are biding their time before throwing him to the wolves

a wolf in sheep's clothing

a person or thing that appears friendly or harmless but is really hostile: the widespread belief that any British proposal was a wolf in sheep’s clothing
[with biblical allusion to Matt. 7:15]


