ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /bɛlt/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a strip of leather or other material worn, typically round the waist, to support or hold in clothes or to carry weapons: he tightened his leather belt an extra notch a sword belt [as modifier]:a belt buckle
  • short for seat belt.
  • a belt worn as a sign of rank or achievement:he was awarded the victor’s belt
  • a belt of a specified colour, marking the attainment of a particular level in judo, karate, or similar sports: [as modifier]:brown-belt level
  • a person who is qualified to wear a belt of a specified colour in judo, karate, etc.:Shaun became a brown belt in judo
  • (the belt) the punishment of being struck with a belt: be quiet, or it’s the belt
  • 2a strip of material used in various technical applications, in particular:
  • a continuous band of material used in machinery for transferring motion from one wheel to another: a great wheel driven by a leather belt
  • a conveyor belt.
  • a flexible strip carrying machine-gun cartridges.
  • 3a strip or encircling area that is different in nature or composition from its surroundings:the asteroid belt a belt of trees
  • 4 informal a heavy blow:she administered a good belt with her stick


  • 1 [with object and adverbial] fasten with a belt:she belted her raincoat firmly
  • [no object, with adverbial] be fastened with a belt:the jacket belts at the waist
  • [with object] secure or attach with a belt:he was securely belted into the passenger seat
  • 2 [with object] beat or strike (someone), especially with a belt as a punishment:I was belted and sent to my room
  • hit (something) hard:he belted the ball downfield
  • 3 [no object, with adverbial of direction] informal rush or dash in a specified direction:he belted out of the side door
  • (of rain) fall hard:the rain belted down on the tin roof

below the belt

disregarding the rules; unfair: she said one of them had to work; Eddie thought that was below the belt
[from the notion of an unfair and illegal blow in boxing]

belt and braces

British (of a policy or action) providing double security, by using two means to the same end: the envelope was sealed with tape and staples, a real belt and braces job
[from the literal belt and braces for holding up a pair of loose trousers]

tighten one's belt

cut one’s expenditure; live more frugally: she said the poor must tighten their belts

under one's belt

  • 1safely or satisfactorily achieved, experienced, or acquired:he now has almost a year as minister under his belt
  • 2(of food or drink) consumed:Gus already had a large brandy under his belt

belt something out

sing or play a song loudly and forcefully: she belted out classics for half an hour

belt up

British informal
  • 1 [usually in imperative] be quiet: for God’s sake, belt up
  • 2put on a seat belt: all youngsters will have to belt up in cars, vans, and lorries





  • unbelt