1an act of falling or collapsing:his mother had a fall as she alighted from a train
Wrestling a move which pins the opponent’s shoulders on the ground for a count of three.
a downward difference in height between parts of a surface:at the corner of the massif this fall is interrupted by other heights of considerable stature
2a thing which falls or has fallen:in October came the first fall of snowa rock fall
a sudden onset or arrival:the fall of darkness
(usually falls) a waterfall or cascade:we camped upriver from the falls [in names]:Niagara Falls
literary a downward turn in a melody:that strain again, it had a dying fall
the way in which something falls or hangs:the fall of her hair
(falls) the parts or petals of a flower which bend downwards, especially the outer perianth segments of an iris.
3a decrease in size, number, rate, or level:a big fall in unemployment
4a defeat or downfall:the fall of the government
a person’s moral decline.
(the Fall or the Fall of Man) the lapse of humankind into a state of sin, ascribed in traditional Jewish and Christian theology to the disobedience of Adam and Eve as described in Genesis.
5 (also Fall)North American autumn:that fall Roosevelt was elected to his first term
1move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control:bombs could be seen falling from the planesmy purse fell out of my bag (as adjective falling)she was injured by a falling tree
(fall off) become detached and drop to the ground:my sunglasses fell off and broke on the pavement
hang down:hair that was allowed to fall to the shoulders
(of land) slope downwards:the land fell away in a steep bank
[no object] (of someone’s eyes or glance) be directed downwards:Albert’s eyes fell, and he blushed
[no object] (of someone’s face) show dismay or disappointment by appearing to droop:her face fell as she thought about her life with George
2(of a person) lose one’s balance and collapse:she fell down at school today
throw oneself to the ground:she fell to her knees and began to weep
(of a tree or structure) collapse to the ground:after the earthquake, part of the city fell down
(fall over) informal (of computer hardware or software) stop working suddenly; crash:the program fell over once when I clicked on the wrong control
3decrease in number, amount, intensity, or quality:imports fell by 12 per centwe’re worried that standards are falling
(of a measuring instrument) show a lower reading:the barometer had fallen a further ten points
(fall away) (in sport) play less well:when he faded the whole team fell away
4be captured or defeated:their mountain strongholds fell to enemy attack
Cricket (of a wicket) be taken by the bowling side:more wickets fell
die in battle:an English leader who had fallen at the hands of the Danes
[no object] (of a government or leader) lose office or be overthrown.
[no object] archaic yield to temptation:it is their husbands' fault if wives do fall
5pass into a specified state, situation, or position:many of the buildings fell into disrepair [with complement]:she fell pregnant
occur or take place:when night fell we crawled back to our linesher birthday fell on May Day
(fall to doing something) begin to do something:he fell to musing about how it had happened
be drawn accidentally into:you must not fall into this common error
6be classified in the way specified:canals fall within the Minister’s brief
be riding (or heading) for a fall
informal be acting in a reckless way that is likely to end in trouble or disaster:with your present attitude, you’re riding for a fall