ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /skan/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an act of scanning someone or something:a quick scan of the sports page
  • 2a medical examination using a scanner:a brain scan
  • an image obtained by scanning or with a scanner:you can’t predict anything until he has seen the scan


  • 1look at all parts of (something) carefully in order to detect some feature:he raised his binoculars to scan the coast
  • look quickly but not very thoroughly through (a document or other text) in order to identify relevant information:we scan the papers for news from the trouble spots [no object]:I scanned through the reference materials
  • 2cause (a surface, object, or part of the body) to be traversed by a detector or an electromagnetic beam:their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease
  • [with object and adverbial] cause (a beam) to traverse across a surface or object:we scanned the beam over a sector of 120°
  • convert (a document or picture) into digital form for storage or processing on a computer:text and pictures can be scanned into the computer
  • resolve (a picture) into its elements of light and shade in a prearranged pattern for the purposes of television transmission.
  • 3analyse the metre of (a line of verse) by reading with the emphasis on its rhythm or by examining the pattern of feet or syllables.
  • [no object] (of verse) conform to metrical principles: well, it doesn’t rhyme and certainly doesn’t scan


