ონლაინ ლექსიკონი


short circuit

განმარტებულია short circuit სიტყვის თარგმნა სინონიმები

არსებითი სახელი

  • an electrical circuit in a device of lower resistance than that of a normal circuit, especially one resulting from the unintended contact of components and consequent accidental diversion of the current: an office block had been set on fire by an electrical short circuit


  • (short-circuit) (with reference to an electrical device) malfunction or fail, or cause to do this, as a result of a short circuit: [no object]:the birds caused the electricity supply to short-circuit [with object]:water had leaked into the washing machine’s motor, short-circuiting it
  • [with object] shorten (a process or activity) by using a more direct (but often improper) method:the normal processes of a democracy should not be short-circuited
