1(of a person) carry:he was bearing a tray of brimming glassesthe warriors bore lances tipped with iron
(of a vehicle or boat) convey (passengers or cargo):steamboats bear the traveller out of Kerrerra Sound
have or display as a visible mark or feature:many of the papers bore his flamboyant signature
be called by (a name or title):he bore the surname Tiller
(bear oneself) carry or conduct oneself in a specified manner:she bore herself with dignity
2support; carry the weight of:walls which cannot bear a stone vault
take responsibility for:no one likes to bear the responsibility for such decisionsthe expert’s fee shall be borne by the tenant
be able to accept or stand up to:it is doubtful whether either of these distinctions would bear scrutiny
3endure (an ordeal or difficulty):she bore the pain stoically
[with modal and negative] manage to tolerate (a situation or experience):she could hardly bear his sarcasm [with infinitive]:I cannot bear to see you hurt