bewitch გამოთქმა: /bɪˈwɪtʃ/ განმარტებულია bewitch სიტყვის თარგმნა ფლექსია სინონიმები ზმნა Universal cast a spell over (someone):a handsome prince who had been bewitched by a sorceress enchant and delight (someone):they both were bewitched by the golden luminosity of Italy (as adjective bewitching)she was certainly a bewitching woman bewitcher noun bewitchingly adverb bewitchment noun სინონიმები arrest becharm beguile captivate capture conquer delight enamor enamour enrapture enthrall fascinate get grip hex hitch jinx magnetise mesmerise mesmerize ravish see spellbind take in tempt trance transfix trip up view witch