1 [mass noun] threads of silk, cotton, or other material woven into a decorative band for edging or trimming garments:a coat trimmed with gold braid [count noun]:fancy braids
2chiefly North American a length of hair made up of three or more interlaced strands:her hair curled neatly in blonde braids
a length made up of three or more interlaced strands of any flexible material:a flexible copper braid
1interlace three or more strands of (hair or other flexible material) to form a length:their long hair was tightly braided
2 (often as adjective braided) edge or trim (a garment) with braid:braided red trousers
3 (usually as adjective braided) (of a river or stream) flow into shallow interconnected channels divided by deposited earth or alluvium:a braided river carries an enormous burden of sand and gravel