ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /sʌɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work:the majority of the citations are to work published during the past twenty years
  • Law a reference to a previous case, used as guidance in the trying of comparable cases or in support of an argument: this journal contains citations from all jurisdictions
  • 2a mention of a praiseworthy act in an official report, especially that of a member of the armed forces in wartime: the citation described him as an officer of extreme gallantry
  • a note accompanying an award, describing the reasons for it:a Nobel citation
  • 3North American a summons to appear in court:a traffic citation
