ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /kənˈsɪdə/


  • 1think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision:each application is considered on its merits (as adjective considered)I may not have time to give a considered reply to suggestions
  • think about and be drawn towards (a course of action):he had considered giving up his job
  • believe to be; think: [with object and infinitive]:at first women were considered to be at low risk from HIV [with clause]:I don’t consider that I’m to blame
  • [with object and complement] regard (someone or something) as having a specified quality:I consider him irresponsible
  • take (something) into account when making a judgement:one service area is not enough when you consider the number of cars using this motorway
  • 2look attentively at:the old man considered his granddaughter thoughtfully

all things considered

taking everything into account: so, all things considered, I think I have done all right
