ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /kɔː/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1the tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds:an apple core
  • 2the part of something that is central to its existence or character:the plan has the interests of children at its core [as modifier]:managers can concentrate on their core activities
  • an important or unchanging group of people forming the central part of a larger body: a flexible core of permanent employees
  • 3the dense central region of a planet, especially the nickel-iron inner part of the earth.
  • the central part of a nuclear reactor, which contains the fissile material.
  • a tiny ring of magnetic material used in a computer memory to store one bit of data, now superseded by semiconductor memories.
  • the inner strand of an electric cable or rope.
  • the muscles of the torso, especially the lower back and abdominal area, which assist in the maintenance of good posture, balance, etc.:nothing will strengthen your core like balancing a heavy barbell on your back or lifting one off the floor [as modifier]:the core muscles of the abdomen
  • a piece of soft iron forming the centre of an electromagnet or an induction coil.
  • an internal mould filling a space to be left hollow in a casting: bronzes that have been cast using a clay core
  • a cylindrical sample of rock, ice, or other material obtained by boring with a hollow drill.
  • Archaeology a piece of flint from which flakes or blades have been removed.


  • remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit):peel and core the pears

to the core

to the depths of one’s being:she was shaken to the core by his words
used to indicate that someone possesses a characteristic to a very high degree:he is a politician to the core


