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გამოთქმა: /dɪp/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a brief swim:they cooled off by taking a dip in the pool
  • a brief immersion in liquid.
  • short for sheep dip.
  • 2 [mass noun] a thick sauce in which pieces of food are dipped before eating:tasty garlic dip
  • 3a brief downward slope followed by an upward one:the big hedge at the bottom of the dip
  • an act of sinking or dropping briefly before rising again:a dip in the share price
  • 4 [mass noun] technical the extent to which something is angled downward from the horizontal, in particular:
  • (also magnetic dip) the angle made with the horizontal at any point by the earth’s magnetic field, or by a magnetic needle in response to this.
  • Geology the angle a stratum makes with the horizontal: the cliff profile tends to be dominated by the dip of the beds
  • Astronomy & Surveying the apparent depression of the horizon from the line of observation, due to the curvature of the earth.
  • 5 informal, dated a pickpocket.
  • 6North American informal a stupid or foolish person.
  • 7 archaic a candle made by immersing a wick repeatedly in hot wax.


  • 1 [with object] (dip something in/into) put or let something down quickly or briefly in or into (liquid):he dipped a brush in the paint
  • immerse (sheep) in a chemical solution that kills parasites.
  • make (a candle) by immersing a wick repeatedly in hot wax.
  • informal, dated baptize (someone) by immersion in water.
  • 2 [no object] (dip into) put a hand or implement into (a bag or container) in order to take something out:Ian dipped into his briefcase and pulled out a photograph
  • spend from or make use of (one’s financial resources):you won’t have to dip into your savings
  • read only parts of (a publication or document):a reference work to dip into time and time again
  • 3 [no object] sink, drop, or slope downwards:the sun had dipped below the horizon the road dipped down to the bridge
  • (of a level or amount) become lower or smaller, typically temporarily:the president’s popularity has dipped audiences dipped below 600,000 for the match
  • [with object] lower or move (something) downwards:the plane dipped its wings
  • [with object] British lower the beam of (a vehicle’s headlights).
  • 4 [no object] Australian/NZ informal (dip out) miss an opportunity; fail.
  • 5 [with object] informal, dated pick (someone’s pocket).

dip one's toe into (or in)

put one’s toe briefly in (water), typically to check the temperature.
begin to do or test (something) cautiously:the company has already dipped its toe into the market
