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გამოთქმა: /gʌn/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.
  • a device for discharging a particular object or substance in a required direction:a grease gun
  • a starting pistol used in athletics.
  • the firing of a piece of artillery as a salute or signal:the boom of the one o’clock gun echoed across the river
  • chiefly North American a gunman:a hired gun
  • British a member of a shooting party.
  • (guns) Nautical slang, dated used as a nickname for a ship’s gunnery officer.
  • 2 (guns) informal muscular arms; well-developed biceps muscles:it’s encouraging to note that Schwarzenegger wasn’t born with massive guns


  • 1 (gun someone down) shoot someone with a gun:they were gunned down by masked snipers
  • 2 informal cause (an engine) to race:as Neil gunned the engine the boat jumped forward
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] accelerate (a vehicle):he gunned the car away from the kerb

be gunning for

be seeking an opportunity to blame or attack (someone):the Republican candidate was gunning for his rival over campaign payments
be striving for (something) in a determined way:he had been gunning for a place in the squad

big gun

informal an important or powerful person.

go great guns

informal proceed forcefully, vigorously, or successfully:the film industry has been going great guns recently

jump the gun

informal act before the proper or appropriate time.

stick to one's guns

informal refuse to compromise or change, despite criticism.

top gun

informal the most important or powerful person in a particular sphere.

under the gun

North American informal under great pressure:manufacturers are under the gun to offer alternatives




[in combination]:a heavy-gunned ship
