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გამოთქმა: /ˈmɛnʃ(ə)n/

არსებითი სახელი

  • a reference to someone or something:their eyes light up at a mention of Sartre [mass noun]:she made no mention of her disastrous trip to Paris
  • a formal acknowledgement of something noteworthy:he received a special mention and a prize of £100 [mass noun]:two other points are worthy of mention
  • (in full mention in dispatches) British an instance of being mentioned in dispatches: the unit was awarded fifteen mentions


  • refer to (something) briefly and without going into detail:I haven’t mentioned it to William yet [with clause]:I mentioned that my father was meeting me later
  • [with object] refer to (someone) as being noteworthy, especially as a potential candidate for a post:he is still regularly mentioned as a possible secretary of state

be mentioned in dispatches

British be commended for one’s actions by name in an official military report: the squadron can be proud of the fact that two of the aircrew were mentioned in dispatches

don't mention it

a polite expression used to indicate that thanks or an apology are not necessary: ‘Thanks very much.’ ‘Don’t mention it, dear boy.’

mention someone in one's will

leave a legacy to someone: three sons and two daughters are mentioned in his will

not to mention

used to introduce an additional point which reinforces the point being made:I’m amazed you find the time, not to mention the energy, to do any work at all


