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გამოთქმა: /raŋk/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a position in the hierarchy of the armed forces:an army officer of high rank he was promoted to the rank of Captain
  • a position within the hierarchy of an organization or society:only two cabinet members had held ministerial rank before
  • [mass noun] high social position:persons of rank and breeding
  • Statistics a number specifying position in a numerically ordered series.
  • (in systemic grammar) the level of a linguistic unit or set of linguistic units in relation to other sets in the hierarchy.
  • 2a single line of soldiers or police officers drawn up abreast: they were drawn up outside their barracks in long ranks
  • a regular row or line of things or people:conifer plantations growing in serried ranks
  • Chess each of the eight rows of eight squares running from side to side across a chessboard. Compare with file2.
  • Britishshort for taxi rank.
  • 3 (ranks) the people belonging to or constituting a group or class:the ranks of Britain’s unemployed
  • (the ranks) (in the armed forces) those who are not commissioned officers:he was fined and reduced to the ranks
  • 4 Mathematics the value or the order of the largest non-zero determinant of a given matrix.


  • 1give (someone or something) a rank or place within a grading system:students ranked the samples in order of preference [with object and complement]:she is ranked number four in the world
  • [no object, with adverbial] have a specified rank or place within a grading system:he now ranks third in America
  • [with object] US take precedence over (someone) in respect of rank; outrank:the Secretary of State ranks all the other members of the cabinet
  • 2arrange in a row or rows:the tents were ranked in orderly rows

break rank (or ranks)

(of soldiers or police officers) fail to remain in line.
fail to maintain solidarity:the government is prepared to break ranks with the Allied states

close ranks

(of soldiers or police officers) come closer together in a line.
unite in order to defend common interests:the family had always closed ranks in times of crisis

keep rank

(of soldiers or police officers) remain in line.

pull rank

take unfair advantage of one’s seniority: someone pulled rank and took my place

rise through (or from) the ranks

(of a private or a non-commissioned officer) receive a commission.
advance in an organization by one’s own efforts:he rose through the ranks to become managing director

