1identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again:I recognized her when her wig fell offJulia hardly recognized Jill when they met
identify from knowledge of appearance or character:Pat is very good at recognizing wild flowers
(of a computer or other machine) automatically identify and respond correctly to (a sound, printed character, etc.):Dr Friedman is programming his computer to recognize the shapes of strokes in the hands of various writers
2acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of:the defence is recognized in British lawhe was recognized as an international authority
show official appreciation of; reward formally:his work was recognized by an honorary degree from Glasgow University
officially regard (a qualification) as valid or proper:these qualifications are recognized by the Department of Education
grant diplomatic recognition to (a country or government):countries which recognized East Germanythey were refusing to recognize the puppet regime
(of a person presiding at a meeting or debate) call on (someone) to speak.