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გამოთქმა: /saʊnd/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s or animal’s ear:light travels faster than sound
  • [count noun] a thing that can be heard:she heard the sound of voices in the hall don’t make a sound
  • the area or distance within which something can be heard:we were always within sound of the train whistles
  • 2 (also musical sound) sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise.
  • 3music, speech, and sound effects when recorded and used to accompany a film, video, or broadcast: [as modifier]:a sound studio
  • broadcasting by radio as distinct from television.
  • the distinctive quality of the music of a particular composer or performer or of the sound produced by a particular instrument:the sound of the Beatles
  • (sounds) informal popular music:sounds of the Sixties
  • 4 [in singular] an idea or impression conveyed by words:you’ve had a hard day, by the sound of it


  • 1emit or cause to emit sound: [no object]:a loud buzzer sounded [with object]:she sounded the horn
  • [with object] give an audible signal to indicate (something):a different bell begins to sound midnight
  • [with object] express or convey (a warning):pharmaceutical companies are sounding the alarm about counterfeit drugs
  • [with object] pronounce:sound the rhymes clearly
  • [with object] test (the lungs or another body cavity) by noting the sound they produce:the doctor sounded her chest
  • 2 [no object] convey a specified impression when heard: [with complement]:he sounded worried
  • (of something or someone that has been described to one) convey a specified impression:it sounds as though you really do believe that [with complement]:the house sounds lovely

sound off

express one’s opinions in a loud or forceful manner:Pietro started sounding off to the press







