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გამოთქმა: /splaʃ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid:we hit the water with a mighty splash
  • a spell of moving about in water energetically:the girls joined them for a final splash in the pool
  • a small quantity of liquid that has fallen or been dashed against a surface:a splash of gravy
  • a small quantity of liquid added to a drink:a splash of lemonade
  • a bright patch of colour:add a red scarf to give a splash of colour
  • 2 informal a prominent or sensational news feature or story:a front-page splash


  • 1 [with object and adverbial of direction] cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops:she splashed cold water on to her face
  • [with object] make wet by splashing:they splashed each other with water
  • [no object, with adverbial of direction] (of a liquid) fall or be scattered in irregular drops:a tear fell and splashed on to the pillow
  • [no object, with adverbial] strike or move around in a body of water, causing it to fly about noisily:a stone splashed into the water she splashed up the path
  • (be splashed with) be decorated with scattered patches of:a field splashed with purple clover
  • 2 [with object] print (a story or photograph, especially a sensational one) in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine:the story was splashed across the front pages

make a splash

informal attract a great deal of attention.

splash down

(of a spacecraft) land on water: Apollo 12 splashed down safely in the Pacific

splash out

British informal spend money freely:she splashed out on a Mercedes
