1a public road in a city, town, or village, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides:the narrow, winding streets of Edinburgh [in place names]:45 Lake Street
(the Street)US Wall Street.
(the street/streets) the roads or public areas of a city or town:every week, fans stop me in the street
[as modifier] denoting someone who is homeless:the street kids of the city
2 [as modifier] relating to the outlook, values, or lifestyle of those young people who are perceived as composing a fashionable urban subculture:London street style
not in the same street
British informal far inferior in terms of ability.
on the streets
1homeless:the number of people who are out on the streets is lower than twelve months ago
2working as a prostitute:there are fewer girls on the streets these days, so prices have risen
streets ahead
British informal greatly superior:the restaurant is streets ahead of its local rivals
[in combination]:a many-streeted tangle of low, brick buildings