1a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole:the state railway systemfluid is pushed through a system of pipes or channels
Physiology a set of organs in the body with a common structure or function:the digestive system
the human or animal body as a whole:you need to get the cholesterol out of your system
Computing a group of related hardware units or programs or both, especially when dedicated to a single application.
Geology (in chronostratigraphy) a major range of strata that corresponds to a period in time, subdivided into series:the Devonian system
Astronomy a group of celestial objects connected by their mutual attractive forces, especially moving in orbits about a centre:the system of bright stars known as the Gould Belt
2a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method:a multiparty system of governmentthe public-school system
a set of rules used in measurement or classification:the metric system
[mass noun] organized planning or behaviour; orderliness:there was no system at all in the company
a method of choosing one’s procedure in gambling.
3 (the system) the prevailing political or social order, especially when regarded as oppressive and intransigent:don’t try bucking the system
4 Music a set of staves in a musical score joined by a brace.
get something out of one's system
informal get rid of a preoccupation or anxiety:yelling is an ace way of getting stress out of your system