ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈθɪətə/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a building or outdoor area in which plays and other dramatic performances are given.
  • [mass noun] (often the theatre) the activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing plays:what made you want to go into the theatre?
  • [mass noun] a play or other activity or presentation considered in terms of its dramatic quality:this is intense, moving, and inspiring theatre
  • chiefly North American & West Indian a cinema.
  • 2 (also lecture theatre) a room or hall for lectures with seats in tiers.
  • British an operating theatre: respiratory function is carefully controlled and monitored throughout the patient’s stay in theatre [as modifier]:the theatre nurse
  • 3the area in which something happens:a new theatre of war has been opened up
  • [as modifier] denoting weapons intermediate between tactical and strategic:he was working on theatre defence missiles
