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გამოთქმა: /θɔːt/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind:Maggie had a sudden thought I asked him if he had any thoughts on how it had happened Mrs Oliver’s first thought was to get help
  • (one's thoughts) one’s mind or attention:he’s very much in our thoughts and prayers
  • an act of considering or remembering someone or something:she hadn’t given a thought to Max for some time
  • (usually thought of) an intention, hope, or idea of doing or receiving something:he had given up all thoughts of making London his home
  • [as adverb] (a thought) dated to a small extent; somewhat:those of us who work at home may find our hands a thought freer
  • 2 [mass noun] the action or process of thinking:Sophie sat deep in thought
  • careful consideration or attention:I haven’t given it much thought
  • concern for another’s well-being or convenience:he is carrying on the life of a single man, with no thought for me
  • 3 [mass noun] the formation of opinions, especially as a philosophy or system of ideas, or the opinions so formed:the freedom of thought and action the traditions of Western thought

don't give it another thought

informal used to tell someone not to worry when they have apologized for something: ‘I don’t like to feel I let you down, Jane.’ ‘You didn’t let me down. Please don’t give it another thought.’

it's the thought that counts

informal used to indicate that it is the kindness behind an act that matters, however imperfect or insignificant the act may be: when people give you things that you don’t want, you must remember that it’s the thought that counts

a second thought

[with negative] more than the slightest consideration:the admiral dismissed the rumour without a second thought

take thought

dated reflect or consider: he halted for a while to take thought

that's a thought!

informal used to express approval of a comment or suggestion: ‘Why don’t we let that tub fill up with rainwater?’ ‘That’s a thought!’

