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გამოთქმა: /ˈkʌmpəs/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it: walkers should be equipped with a map and compass a magnetic compass Crewe was ideally placed on the rail network, with connections running to all points of the compass
  • 2 (also compasses or a pair of compasses) an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen: a regular heptagon cannot be constructed accurately with only ruler and compass
  • 3 [in singular] the range or scope of something:the event had political repercussions which are beyond the compass of this book goods and services which fall within the compass of the free market
  • the enclosing limits of an area:this region had within its compass many types of agriculture
  • the range of notes that can be produced by a voice or a musical instrument:the cellos were playing in a rather sombre part of their compass


  • 1go round (something) in a circular course:the ship wherein Magellan compassed the world
  • surround or hem in on all sides:we were compassed round by a thick fog
  • 2contrive to accomplish (something):he compassed his end only by the exercise of violence

