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გამოთქმა: /flɛʃ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • the soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of a human or an animal:she grabbed Anna’s arm, her fingers sinking into the flesh
  • the flesh of an animal or fish, regarded as food:the food an animal eats will affect the taste and texture of its flesh
  • the edible pulpy part of a fruit or vegetable:halve the avocados and scrape out the flesh
  • the skin or surface of the human body with reference to its appearance or sensory properties:she gasped as the cold water hit her flesh
  • (the flesh) the human body and its physical needs and desires, especially as contrasted with the mind or the soul:I have never been one to deny the pleasures of the flesh
  • flesh colour.


  • 1 [no object] (flesh out) put weight on:he had fleshed out to a solid 220 pounds
  • [with object] (flesh something out) add more details to something which only exists in a draft or outline form:the arguments were fleshed out by the minister
  • 2 [with object] stimulate (a hound or hawk) to hunt by feeding it a piece of flesh from a recently killed animal: I have fleshed my bloodhound
  • literary accustom to bloodshed or warfare:he fleshed his troops with enterprises against the enemy’s posts
  • 3 [with object] (often as noun fleshing) remove the flesh adhering to (a skin or hide): after fleshing, the hide is soaked again

all flesh

all human and animal life.

go the way of all flesh

die or come to an end: the film has gone the way of all flesh after being slated by the critics

flesh and blood

used to refer to a person’s physical body and their needs and frailties, often as opposed to their mind or soul:the strain on his self-control had been more than flesh and blood could endure
(one's flesh and blood) a near relative or one’s close family:he felt as much for that girl as if she had been his own flesh and blood

in the flesh

in person or (of a thing) in its actual state:they decided that they should meet Alexander in the flesh

lose flesh

archaic become thinner.

make someone's flesh crawl (or creep)

another way of saying make someone's skin crawl (see skin).

one flesh

used to refer to the spiritual and physical union of two people in a relationship, especially marriage:my body is his, his is mine: one flesh
[with biblical allusion to Gen. 2:24]

put flesh on (the bones of) something

add more details to something:he has yet to put flesh on his ‘big idea’

put on flesh

put on weight.

sins of the flesh

archaic or humorous sins related to physical indulgence, especially sexual gratification.


[usually in combination]:a white-fleshed fish


