abstain გამოთქმა: /əbˈsteɪn/ განმარტებულია abstain სიტყვის თარგმნა ფლექსია სინონიმები ანტონიმები ზმნა Universal 1restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something:she intends to abstain from sex before marriage refrain from drinking alcohol:most pregnant women abstain or drink very little 2formally decline to vote either for or against a proposal or motion:forty-one voted with the Opposition, and some sixty more abstained abstainer noun სინონიმები abstain bring to an end cease come to an end conclude desist discontinue end finish forbear give over intermit leave off pause quit refrain stop terminate ანტონიმები begin commence consume enter upon have inaugurate ingest initiate institute originate set about set going set in operation set on foot start take take in