ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /flɔː/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1the lower surface of a room, on which one may walk:a wooden floor
  • the bottom of the sea, a cave, or an area of land:the ocean floor the forest floor
  • informal the ground:the best way to play is to pass the ball on the floor
  • a minimum level of prices or wages:share prices have gone through the floor
  • 2all the rooms or areas on the same level of a building; a storey: [as modifier, in combination]:a third-floor flat
  • 3 (the floor) (in a legislative assembly) the part of the house in which members sit and from which they speak.
  • the right or opportunity to speak next in debate:other speakers have the floor
  • (in the Stock Exchange) the large central hall where trading takes place: [as modifier]:a floor trader


  • 1provide (a room or area) with a floor:a room floored in yellow wood (as adjective, in combination -floored)a stone-floored building
  • 2 informal knock (someone) to the ground, especially with a punch: the champion floored Close with an uppercut
  • baffle (someone) completely:that question floored him

from the floor

(of a speech or question) delivered by an individual member at a meeting, not by a representative on the platform:questions from the floor will be invited

take the floor

  • 1begin to dance on a dance floor.
  • 2speak in a debate or assembly.
