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გამოთქმა: /fɔːk/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting.
  • a farm or garden tool with three or four prongs, used for digging or lifting.
  • [as modifier] denoting a light meal or buffet that may be eaten solely with a fork, while standing:a fork supper
  • 2the point where something, especially a road or (North American) river, divides into two parts:turn right at the next fork
  • either of two forked parts: the left fork goes on to the village
  • 3 (usually forks) each of a pair of supports in which a bicycle or motorcycle wheel revolves.
  • 4a flash of forked lightning.
  • 5 Chess a simultaneous attack on two or more pieces by one.


  • 1 [no object] (especially of a route) divide into two parts:the place where the road forks
  • [no object, with adverbial of direction] take or constitute one route or the other at the point where a route divides:we forked north-west for Rannoch
  • Computing split (a process) into two or more independent processes: the attack can only work against a server that forks separate processes to handle client requests
  • 2 [with object] dig or move (something) with a fork:fork in some compost
  • 3 [with object] Chess attack (two pieces) simultaneously with one: he has forked my bishop and knight

fork something out/up

informal pay money for something, especially reluctantly:my car had been towed away and I had to fork out 70 quid


noun (plural forkfuls)
