1a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly:if I’m not there leave a message on the answerphone
(also mail message) an email or similar electronic communication:select an option to delete your mail messages
an electronic communication generated automatically by a computer program and displayed on a screen:an error message
a communication from a prophet or preacher, believed to be inspired by God:Jesus and his followers were promulgating a specifically Judaic message for Judaic adherents
US a television or radio advertisement:we’ll be back after these messages
2a significant political, social, or moral point that is being conveyed by a film, speech, etc.:a campaign to get the message about home security across
3Scottish & Irish an errand:he would run those interminable messages after school to the bookie
(messages) things bought on an errand; shopping.
send a message to (someone), especially by email:I was messaged by a Californian contact for some information (as noun messaging)the software package incorporates messaging, scheduling, and workflow functions
get the message
informal understand what is implied by a remark or action:as soon as you tell students they’d do better on a more practical course they get the message they’re dum-dums
send a message
make a significant statement, either implicitly or by one’s actions:it sends a message to potential foreign investors