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გამოთქმა: /niːd/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] circumstances in which something is necessary; necessity:the basic human need for food [with infinitive]:there’s no need to cry
  • 2 (often needs) a thing that is wanted or required:his day-to-day needs
  • 3 [mass noun] the state of requiring help, or of lacking basic necessities such as food:help us in our hour of need children in need


  • 1require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable:I need help now [with present participle]:this shirt needs washing [with infinitive]:they need to win tomorrow
  • (not need something) not want to be subjected to something:I don’t need your sarcasm
  • 2 [as modal verb, with negative or in questions] expressing necessity or obligation:need I say more? all you need bring are sheets
  • 3 [no object] archaic be necessary: lest you, even more than needs, embitter our parting

at need

archaic when needed; in an emergency: men whose experience could be called upon at need

had need

archaic ought to: kings had need beware, how they side themselves

have need of/to do something

formal need something:Alida had need of company

if need be

if necessary: I’ll work from morning till night if need be

in need of

needing (something):he was in desperate need of medical care

