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გამოთქმა: /ˈpɔːʃ(ə)n/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a part of a whole:a portion of the jetty still stands he could repeat large portions of Shakespeare
  • a part of something divided between people; a share:she wanted the right to decide how her portion of the allowance should be spent
  • an amount of food suitable for or served to one person:a portion of ice cream burger joints offering huge portions
  • Law the part or share of an estate given or descending by law to an heir.
  • (also marriage portion) archaic a dowry given to a bride at her marriage: he’ll marry her fast enough when he knows the sum of her portion
  • 2 archaic a person’s destiny or lot:what will be my portion?


  • divide (something) into parts and share out:for centuries meadowland with common hay rights was portioned out
  • (usually as adjective, with submodifier portioned) serve (food) in an amount suitable for one person:generously portioned lunches
  • archaic give a dowry to (a bride): my parents will portion me most handsomely
