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გამოთქმა: /səˈprʌɪz/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc.:the announcement came as a complete surprise
  • [mass noun] a feeling of mild astonishment or shock caused by something unexpected:much to her surprise, she’d missed him
  • [as modifier] denoting something done or happening unexpectedly:a surprise attack
  • 2 [as modifier] Bell-ringing denoting a complex method of change-ringing:surprise major


  • (of something unexpected) cause (someone) to feel mild astonishment or shock:I was surprised at his statement [with object and clause]:Joe was surprised that he enjoyed the journey
  • capture, attack, or discover suddenly and unexpectedly:he surprised a gang stealing scrap metal

surprise, surprise

said when giving someone a surprise: a voice called out ‘Surprise, surprise!’ and all the lights suddenly flashed on
said ironically when one believes that something was entirely predictable:we entrust you with Jason’s care and, surprise surprise, you make a mess of it

take someone/thing by surprise

attack or capture someone or something unexpectedly: his flotilla was taken wholly by surprise when fired on by the British warships
(take someone by surprise) happen when someone is not prepared:the question took David by surprise

