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გამოთქმა: /wɪŋ/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1(in a bird) a modified forelimb that bears large feathers and is used for flying.
  • (in a bat or pterosaur) a modified forelimb with skin stretched between or behind the fingers.
  • (in most insects) each of two or four flat extensions of the thoracic cuticle, either transparent or covered in scales.
  • the wing of a bird as food.
  • (usually wings) used with reference to ease and swiftness of movement:the thought gave wings to her feet
  • 2a rigid horizontal structure that projects from both sides of an aircraft and supports it in the air.
  • (wings) a pilot’s certificate of ability to fly a plane, indicated by a badge representing a pair of wings:Michael earned his wings as a commercial pilot
  • 3a thing resembling or analogous to a wing in form or function, in particular:
  • Anatomy a lateral part or projection of an organ or structure.
  • Botany a thin membranous appendage of a fruit or seed that is dispersed by the wind.
  • 4British a raised part of the body of a car or other vehicle above the wheel.
  • 5a part of a large building, especially one that projects from the main part:a maternity wing
  • 6a group within a political party or other organization having particular views or a particular function:a candidate from the liberal wing of the party
  • 7 (the wings) the sides of a theatre stage out of view of the audience.
  • 8(in soccer, rugby, and hockey) the part of the field close to the sidelines.
  • (also wing forward) an attacking player positioned near to one of the sidelines.
  • 9an air force unit of several squadrons or groups.
  • the right or left flank of the main body of a battle formation.


  • 1 [no object, with adverbial of direction] travel on wings or by aircraft; fly:George satisfied his keen urge to fly by winging homewards with the Royal Air Force
  • move, travel, or be sent quickly, as if flying:the prize will be winging its way to you soon
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] send or convey (something) quickly, as if by air:just jot down the title on a postcard and wing it to us
  • [with object] archaic enable (someone or something) to fly or move rapidly:the convent was at some distance, but fear would wing her steps
  • 2 [with object] shoot (a bird) in the wing, so as to prevent flight without causing death:one bird was winged for every bird killed
  • wound (someone) superficially, especially in the arm or shoulder.
  • 3 (wing it) informal speak or act without preparation; improvise:a little preparation puts you ahead of the job-seekers who try to wing it
    [from theatrical slang, originally meaning 'to play a role without properly knowing the text' (either by relying on a prompter in the wings or by studying the part in the wings between scenes)]

in the wings

ready to do something or to be used at the appropriate time:older councillors were replaced by technocrats waiting in the wings

on the wing

(of a bird) in flight.

on a wing and a prayer

with only the slightest chance of success.

spread (or stretch or try) one's wings

extend one’s activities and interests or start new ones.

take wing

(of a bird, insect, or other winged creature) fly away.
depart swiftly; flee:Louise took wing for America

under one's wing

in or into one’s protective care:Simon’s uncle had taken him under his wing




