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გამოთქმა: /ˈwʌndə/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1 [mass noun] a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar:he observed the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child
  • [count noun] a thing or a quality of something that causes wonder:have you ever explored the wonders of a coral reef? [mass noun]:Athens was a place of wonder and beauty
  • 2a person or thing regarded as very good, remarkable, or effective:we all eat cakes from Gisella—she’s a wonder derogatoryyou’re all a bunch of gutless wonders!
  • [as modifier] having remarkable properties or abilities:a wonder drug
  • 3 [in singular] a surprising event or situation:it is a wonder that losses are not much greater


  • 1desire to know something; feel curious:how many times have I written that, I wonder? [with clause]:I can’t help wondering how Georgina’s feeling
  • [with clause] used to express a polite question or request:I wonder whether you have thought more about it?
  • 2feel doubt:even hereditary peers are inclined to wonder about the legitimacy of the place
  • 3feel admiration and amazement; marvel:people stood by and wondered at such bravery (as adjective wondering)a wondering look on her face
  • feel surprise:if I feel compassion for her, it is not to be wondered at

I shouldn't wonder

informal I think it likely: more than once, I shouldn’t wonder

no (or little or small) wonder

it is not surprising:no wonder the waiters looked tired

nine days' (or seven-day or one-day) wonder

something that attracts great interest for a short while but is then forgotten.

wonders will never cease

used, often ironically, as an exclamation of great surprise at something pleasing.

work (or do) wonders

have a very beneficial effect on someone or something:a good night’s sleep can work wonders for mind and body





