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გამოთქმა: /breɪn/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity: [as modifier]:a brain tumour
  • (brains) the substance of an animal’s brain used as food.
  • informal an electronic device with functions comparable to those of the human brain: an electronic brain
  • 2intellectual capacity:I didn’t have enough brains for the sciences [mass noun]:success requires brain as well as brawn
  • (the brains) informal a clever person who supplies the ideas and plans for a group of people:Tom was the brains of the outfit
  • a person’s mind:a tiny alarm bell began to ring in her brain


  • hit (someone) hard on the head with an object:she brained me with a rolling pin

have (got) something on the brain

informal be obsessed with something:John has cars on the brain

