ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /ˈpɪərɪəd/


  • belonging to or characteristic of a past historical time, especially in style or design: an attractive and beautifully modernized period house a splendid selection of period furniture

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a length or portion of time:he had long periods of depression the period 1977–85 the training period is between 16 and 18 months
  • a portion of time in the life of a nation, civilization, etc. characterized by the same prevalent features or conditions:the early medieval period
  • a major division of geological time that is a subdivision of an era and is itself subdivided into epochs:the Cretaceous period
  • each of the set divisions of the day in a school allocated to a lesson or other activity: two periods of PE are allocated on the timetable he interviewed the teachers when they had a free period
  • each of the divisions of the playing time of a sporting event: the Lightnings ran at the Leafs hard in a very rough first period
  • 2 Physics the interval of time between successive occurrences of the same state in an oscillatory or cyclic phenomenon, such as a mechanical vibration, an alternating current, a variable star, or an electromagnetic wave.
  • Astronomy the time taken by a celestial object to rotate about its axis, or to make one circuit of its orbit.
  • Mathematics the interval between successive equal values of a periodic function.
  • 3 (also menstrual period) a flow of blood and other material from the lining of the uterus, lasting for a few days and occurring in sexually mature women who are not pregnant at intervals of about one lunar month until the menopause: she’s got her period [as modifier]:period pains
  • 4North American a full stop.
  • informal, chiefly North American added to the end of a statement to indicate that no further discussion is possible or desirable:he is the sole owner of the trademark, period
  • 5 Chemistry a set of elements occupying a horizontal row in the periodic table.
  • 6 Rhetoric a complex sentence, especially one consisting of several clauses, constructed as part of a formal speech or oration.
  • Music a complete idea, typically consisting of two or four phrases.

put a period to

dated put an end to:in dry climates, the onset of summer drought may put a period to plant activity
