ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /rɪˈpɔːt/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of an official document, after thorough investigation or consideration by an appointed person or body:the chairman’s annual report
  • a spoken or written description of an event or situation, especially one intended for publication or broadcasting in the media:press reports suggested that the secret police were helping to maintain public order
  • British a teacher’s written assessment of a pupil’s work, progress, and conduct, issued at the end of a term or school year.
  • Law a detailed formal account of a case heard in a court, giving the main points in the judgement, especially as prepared for publication.
  • 2a piece of information that is unsupported by firm evidence:reports were circulating that the chairman was about to resign
  • [mass noun] dated rumour:report has it that the beetles have now virtually disappeared
  • 3a sudden loud noise of or like an explosion or gunfire: all our horses are very gentle and are accustomed to hearing the report of a .22
  • 4an employee who reports to another employee.
  • 5 [mass noun] archaic the reputation of someone or something:whatsoever things are lovely and of good report


  • 1 [reporting verb] give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated: [with object]:the minister reported a decline in milk production [with clause]:police reported that the floods were abating [no object]:the teacher should report on the child’s progress
  • [no object] cover an event or subject as a journalist or a reporter:the press reported on Republican sex scandals [with clause]:the Egyptian news agency reported that a coup attempt had taken place
  • (be reported) used to indicate that something has been stated, although one cannot confirm its accuracy: [with infinitive]:hoaxers are reported to be hacking into airline frequencies to impersonate air traffic controllers (as adjective reported)he’s now a reported £50,000 in debt
  • [with object] make a formal statement or complaint about (someone or something) to the necessary authority:undisclosed illegalities are reported to the company’s directors [with object and complement]:eight Yorkshire terriers have been reported missing in the last month
  • [with object] British (of a parliamentary committee chairman) formally announce that the committee has dealt with (a bill): the Chairman shall report the Bill to the House
  • (report something out) US (of a committee of Congress) return a bill to the legislative body for action: the Committee reported out the Civil Rights Bill, quicker than ever expected
  • 2 [no object] present oneself formally as having arrived at a particular place or as ready to do something:he had to report to the headmaster at 4 pm
  • (report back) return to work or duty after a period of absence: hearing that there was the prospect of action with No. 8 Commando, he reported back for duty
  • 3 [no object] (report to) be responsible to (a superior or supervisor):he reports to the chairman of the committee

on report

  • 1British during the report stage of a bill in the House of Commons or House of Lords: when the Bill was debated in committee and on report, language was more restrained
  • 2(especially of a prisoner or member of the armed forces) on a disciplinary charge: lots of girls got put on report for wearing each other’s clothes



