ონლაინ ლექსიკონი



გამოთქმა: /rɛprɪˈzɛnt/


  • 1be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity:for purposes of litigation, an infant can and must be represented by an adult
  • (of a competitor) participate in a sporting event on behalf of (one’s club, town, region, or country):Wade represented Great Britain
  • be an elected Member of Parliament or member of a legislature for (a particular constituency or party):she became the first woman to represent a South Wales mining valley
  • act as a substitute for (someone), especially on an official occasion:the Duke of Edinburgh was represented by the Countess Mountbatten
  • 2constitute; amount to:this figure represents eleven per cent of the company’s total sales
  • be a specimen or example of; typify:twenty parents, picked to represent a cross section of Scottish life
  • (be represented) be present in something to a particular degree:abstraction is well represented in this exhibition
  • 3depict (a particular subject) in a work of art:santos are small wooden figures representing saints
  • [with object and adverbial or infinitive] describe or portray in a particular way:the young were consistently represented as being in need of protection
  • (of a sign or symbol) have a particular signification; stand for:numbers 1-15 represent the red balls
  • be a symbol or embodiment of:the three heads of Cerberus represent the past, present, and future
  • play (a role) in a theatrical production.
  • 4 formal state or point out clearly:it was represented to him that she would be an unsuitable wife
  • [with clause] allege; claim:the vendors have represented that such information is accurate


Pronunciation: /-ˈbɪlɪti/



