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გამოთქმა: /glɑːns/

არსებითი სახელი

  • 1a brief or hurried look:I stole a glance at John
  • 2 archaic a flash or gleam of light: fish ... sporting with quick glance, Show to the Sun their wav’d coats
  • 3 Cricket a stroke with the bat’s face turned slantwise to deflect the ball slightly.


  • 1take a brief or hurried look:Ginny glanced at her watch
  • (glance at/through) read quickly or cursorily:I glanced through your personnel file last night
  • 2hit something at an angle and bounce off obliquely:the stone glanced off a crag and hit Tom on the head
  • (of light) reflect off something with a brief flash:sunlight glanced off the curved body of a dolphin
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] (in ball games) deflect (the ball) slightly with a delicate contact: he glanced the ball into the corner of the net
  • [with object] Cricket deflect (the ball) with the bat held slantwise; play such a stroke against (the bowler): Simpson glanced Statham’s fourth ball

at a glance

immediately upon looking:she saw at a glance what had happened

at first glance

when seen or considered briefly and for the first time:good news, at first glance, for frequent travellers

glance one's eye

archaic look briefly: he had glanced his eye over all the folios of my copy
